Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fatal Puzzle (Zons Crime Book 1)

Fatal Puzzle (Zons Crime Book 1)



I scored this book free through Kindle First, and read the book today. (I'm a pretty quick reader, and this is definitely a book that I couldn't put down!) As you can tell from the book summary, the basic plot is that this story switches back and forth in time. In 1495, there are a series of murders, which are connected by a puzzle. Mühlenberg must solve them in order to save himself and his lover. Then, in the present day, Emily Richter (a journalist) begins writing a series of articles about those 1495 killings. Then, she finds a woman's body hanging -- much like had happened in the 1495 events. Emily then works with a Detective Bergmann to piece together the investigation, using notes left by Mühlenberg.

I won't give away any more of the plot line than what you get on the back cover and in the book's description on the Amazon page.

This really is a story that you want to read and figure through for yourself. The books skips around, between different time periods, and from the perspectives of different characters. I enjoy that type of book, and I think that it worked well here to keep the story moving along and maintained a good level of momentum.

OVERALL: It's not the best murder mystery I've ever read, but it's still very good. If you love a good solid mystery that keeps you guessing, you'll probably like this book. I found it completely engrossing and hard to put down.

For Kindle First Readers: I don't think you'll be disappointed getting this book, especially if you want a mystery that isn't a straight up police procedural, or that has some genuinely good storytelling.

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